Bunting, dimensions variable.
The following words were painted by Guy Debord on a wall in 1953 on the Rue de Seine, 'Ne travaillez jamais' which translates as Never work'. Debord considered this bit of graffiti of tremendous importance throughout his life, including it in his autobiography, Panégyrique. The three words contain an entire program, and he had a complex relationship to the graffiti’s subsequent use and abuse.
An image of the graffiti was printed on bunting and hung on a number of redundant market stalls, suggesting the possible action of stallholders, taking heed of the above words and abandoning a market.
Installation at Gracelands - Circling the Square, curated by Vaari Claffey as part of EVA International curated by Annie Fletcher.
Bunting, dimensions variable.
The following words were painted by Guy Debord on a wall in 1953 on the Rue de Seine, 'Ne travaillez jamais' which translates as Never work'. Debord considered this bit of graffiti of tremendous importance throughout his life, including it in his autobiography, Panégyrique. The three words contain an entire program, and he had a complex relationship to the graffiti’s subsequent use and abuse.
An image of the graffiti was printed on bunting and hung on a number of redundant market stalls, suggesting the possible action of stallholders, taking heed of the above words and abandoning a market.
Installation at Gracelands - Circling the Square, curated by Vaari Claffey as part of EVA International curated by Annie Fletcher.