2004, Altered book, Shakespeare's King Lear
"In the Walker’s Now, a book of Shakespeare lies open to King Lear, Act IV, Scene VI in which the blind Gloucester, Lear’s double, has been tricked into thinking that he stands perilously perched at the edge of a precipitous cliff. He thrusts himself forward and swoons. Upon awakening he is convinced that he has experienced a miracle. There is perhaps no better illustration of the sublime as aesthetic category than this near leap into the abyss. What is left to be read on the Walkers’ effaced page in the open book are the words “now now now now.” Extract from Two Point(s) North by Claire Dagle
See also Until now
2004, Altered book, Shakespeare's King Lear
"In the Walker’s Now, a book of Shakespeare lies open to King Lear, Act IV, Scene VI in which the blind Gloucester, Lear’s double, has been tricked into thinking that he stands perilously perched at the edge of a precipitous cliff. He thrusts himself forward and swoons. Upon awakening he is convinced that he has experienced a miracle. There is perhaps no better illustration of the sublime as aesthetic category than this near leap into the abyss. What is left to be read on the Walkers’ effaced page in the open book are the words “now now now now.” Extract from Two Point(s) North by Claire Dagle
See also Until now